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#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 Watchlist for Indices, Sectors, ETFs, ETNs, etc.

Oct 14, 2019, 5 tweets

1) Of ten sector charts I follow, this weekly chart (consumer staples) looks strongest. Will be putting this on #PeregrineWatchlist to monitor.

2) I do not turn my back on slow movers like (in the ) as I can always use puts/calls to maximize gains in minimum time.

Its weekly chart is a thing of beauty with a recent all-time high.

Will continue like this into Q4?

Alert! Earnings next week.

3) Pepsi (in the ) weekly chart looks strong as well. Just hit all time high two weeks ago on earnings beating expectations:

4) A big name in the is WalMart . Look at this weekly chart which shows an all-time high last week:

5) Another big retail name in the is which just hit an all-time high a few weeks ago before their earnings beat on 3 Oct 19:

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