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💖💜💙A bi-disaster 🎃he/him 🎨 Illustrator and animator 👻 I make horror, mostly.

Oct 17, 2019, 11 tweets

Visit from William Rothberg, commissioner of the tomb expedition in Cairo, 1922.

The site of the tomb is extraordinary and unlike anything we have seen before. Preparations are being made to explore the only known entrance.

The bottom entrance of the tomb is a sight to behold. We think that it may date around 2688-2180 BC. Although, we cannot say for sure at the moment.

The faces of each statue have been destroyed. A curious sight, though not uncommon. This was usually done to the tombs of Pharaohs with bad reputations. To remove the face is to remove their memory and place in the afterlife.

A tight squeeze through one of the chambers. I managed to make it out just fine.

The chambers are massive and surprisingly well preserved. We have yet to find the Pharaoh's chamber, but we are hopeful in finding it soon.

It was common for Pharaohs to be mummified alongside their cats. But this tomb is filled with chambers of mummified cats. Hundreds of them.

That's not the strangest part, though. The mummified cats keep getting bigger the further into the chambers we go.

Surely, there cannot actually be cats in these large sarcophagi... But I wonder.
We will be taking some of them back for study.

Most unusual.
It would appear that the large sarcophagi held the mummified remains of large felines, but... with heads more closely resembling that of humans.

We checked to make sure if there were any seams to show that they had been sewn together or fabricated.

But there are none.

My comrades and I are absolutely baffled.

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