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We're harnessing the power of engineering to build a sustainable society and an inclusive economy that works for everyone.

Oct 17, 2019, 16 tweets

We are pleased to announce that our CEO Dr Hayaatun Sillem has been named as a role model, and one of the 100 Most Influential Women in the Engineering Sector by @InclusiveBoards. Hear what the board, a judge and Hayaatun have to say here:… #WIE100

@InclusiveBoards We're so proud to see so many other amazing women with Academy ties have made it onto the list. First up - #RAEngFellow Dr Jane Atkinson FREng who has been named as the most Influential Woman in Engineering by @InclusiveBoards and @FT #WIE100. Learn more:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT Diversity and inclusion expert @dawnbonfield MBE has made it in at number 2 on the @InclusiveBoards and @FT list. She is currently an RAEng Visiting Professor in Inclusive Engineering for engineering education at @Aston_EAS:

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS Appointed a #RAEngFellow in 2017, Dr Sarah Williamson FREng comes in at number 5 on the 100 influential women in UK engineering list from @InclusiveBoards and @FT. Learn more about her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS Structural engineer @RomaTheEngineer comes in at number 9 on the 100 influential women in UK engineering list. Her enthusiasm for engineering and promotion of the profession has led her to win a 2017 Rooke Award from the Academy. Learn more here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer Having already been featured in the #ForcesForChange issue of @BritishVogue alongside our CEO Dr Hayaatun Sillem, it is no surprised @EnassAbu has been named in the top 100 influential women in engineering list. Get to know her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu Chartered engineer @YeWanDae, who specialises in sustainable water supplies has also made it onto the list - she's currently a RAEng Visiting Professor at @UniWestminster for Engineering Education Transformation. Get to know her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu @YeWanDae @UniWestminster Proud to see @ThisIsEng ambassador @pakritas has been featured in the 100 Influential Women in Engineering list. We've profiled her for the #ThisIsEngineering campaign - get to know her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu @YeWanDae @UniWestminster @ThisIsEng @pakritas We're thrilled to see the Academy's Vice President @naomiclimer CBE FREng featuring on the 100 Influential Women in Engineering list. We interviewed her about why she got into engineering - get to know her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu @YeWanDae @UniWestminster @ThisIsEng @pakritas @naomiclimer Dr Amber Hill is a @RAEng_Hub Member and 2018 #EnterpriseFellowship awardee for her @UCLEngineering startup R.grid, which digitalises human-centred design and data in healthcare and engineering. Get to know her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu @YeWanDae @UniWestminster @ThisIsEng @pakritas @naomiclimer @RAEng_Hub @UCLEngineering Spacesuit engineer for @esa and ambassador for @ThisIsEng - need we say more? @Rocket_Woman1 has been featured in the 100 Influential Women in Engineering list. We profiled her work for the #ThisIsEngineering campaign. Watch it here #WIE100:

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu @YeWanDae @UniWestminster @ThisIsEng @pakritas @naomiclimer @RAEng_Hub @UCLEngineering @esa @Rocket_Woman1 #RAEngFellow Dervilla Mitchell CBE FREng is a director at @ArupGroup and has been featured in the 100 Influential Women in Engineering list. Get to know her here #WIE100:…

@InclusiveBoards @FT @dawnbonfield @Aston_EAS @RomaTheEngineer @BritishVogue @EnassAbu @YeWanDae @UniWestminster @ThisIsEng @pakritas @naomiclimer @RAEng_Hub @UCLEngineering @esa @Rocket_Woman1 @ArupGroup @RaffaellaOcone @HeriotWattUni @Rachel__Skinner @LushLtd And last but not least - Academy Fellow Eleanor Stride FREng and Professor of Engineering Science at @UniofOxford has also been featured for her work within the engineering sector. Get to know her here #WIE100:… #RAEngFellows

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