Chris In The Morning Profile picture
Originally from Wheeling, WV, I worked my way north to the Alaskan Riviera where I landed a regular gig with the Minnifield Communications Network in Cicely.

Oct 23, 2019, 9 tweets

Rise and shine Cicely!
Big news! Tonight is the fall recital at The Brick featuring our very own Cal Ingraham who is on furlough from the Sleetmute Correctional Facility to perform a selection of Bach concertos for us! (Thread on creativity) #northernexposure

Maurice has been kind enough to let Cal borrow the 1778 Guarneri del Gesu violin he purchased several years ago to perform upon. And for those of you worried, Officer Semanski will be on hand in case there are any shenanigans...

Listening to Cal always gets me in the mood to express my own artistic creativity in some crazed and inspired way. As Picasso said, "The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense." So who could blame Cal for trying to blow up Maurice when he first held his prized del Gesu?

It was Stendhal syndrome! If you've not heard of it, this is the condition one experiences when, in the face of artistic beauty, one becomes emotionally overwhelmed as the French author Stendhal did upon seeing the works of Michelangelo, face planting in the streets of Florence!

It's our other sense of passion. To observe, to participate in the creative process. "To draw," and I would contend 'to create', "you must close your eyes and sing," brother Picasso said. What is this need inside us to create and express ourselves in some artistic fashion?

Ever since we were girding our loins with pelts, we felt the need to render pictographs of what we were hunting on cave walls. Why do we need to mold elaborate chalices to carry our water & why do we feel the need to carve from stone (or metal) that which we observe in the flesh?

It's written into our genetic fabric - to eat, sleep, make babies, sure - but also, to CREATE! Some would say this is more of a springtime ambition, but i disagree. As our days shorten, as the temperatures drop, I say it's time to retreat to our cozy corners of our humble abodes

And draw, sculpt, write, play music, build!

"Ah! Up then from the ground sprang I
And hailed the earth with such a cry
As is not heard save from a man
Who has been dead, and lives again!"


So let us appreciate art & beauty this fine October, Cicely. For this, & perhaps only this, separates us from the mundane drag of modern existence. Don't waste a minute more - carpe diem and all of that. It's time to CREATE!

"I had so much fire in me, and so many plans" - Monet.

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