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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Oct 24, 2019, 5 tweets

KAM and @Trade_Kenya are today and tomorrow hosting a training on Kenya #TradeRemedies Act and the #TradeRemedies Agency. The Agency is mandated to assist Kenya in investigating and responding to dumping, subsidization and surge of imports into the country.


Unfair trade practices exist globally. The trade remedies legal framework hence seeks to address such practices - KAM Chairman @GudkaSachen

#TradeRemedies #KAMTakesYouThere

The manufacturing sector will have to prepare itself to be able to provide evidence based claims to test the #TradeRemedies Act - KAM Chairman @GudkaSachen


It is imperative that we keep on monitoring and ensuring that our enterprises remain competitive at local, regional and international markets - Secretary of trade, Dr. Joyce Ogundo

#TradeRemedies #KAMTakesYouThere

It is critical that domestic industries are cushioned from dumping and other unfair trade practices. This is what the Trade Remedies Act and Agency seek to achieve - Secretary of trade, Dr. Joyce Ogundo

#TradeRemedies #KAMTakesYouThere

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