William Samoei Ruto, PhD Profile picture
Deputy President, Republic of Kenya

Oct 24, 2019, 7 tweets

There has  been a tremendous collective effort towards improving, accelerating and augmenting Kenya’s economic prospects through policies and programmes to improve ease of doing business. #DoingBusinessKe

The facilitation of a conducive business environment which is the bedrock to attracting investment, creating job opportunities and wealth is key for the progress of the country. #DoingBusinessKe

The Government has made a deliberate effort to position Kenya as Africa's manufacturing and technology hub; the preferred gateway to Africa for domestic and foreign investors. #DoingBusinessKe

We must adopt a progressive position in reforming our business and regulatory environment. This would place us in a catalytic position in guaranteeing investment flows from around the globe. #DoingBusinessKe

With pursuit of the national development agenda in collaboration with our development partners and the private sector, it is possible to rewrite the economic trajectory of our people. #DoingBusinessKe

The truth of the matter is a poor business environment in any respect hurts millions as it diminishes opportunities for growth in our economy. #DoingBusinessKe

Kenya moved up to 56th position globally out of 190 countries; cementing our steady performance and rewarding the hard work, commitment, dedication and collaboration among Government, development partners and the private sector. #DoingBusinessKe

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