Heitor Lessa Profile picture
🇧🇷 Immigrant in 🇳🇱 learning Calisthenics | Job @AWS Principal Architect Powertools for AWS. Opinions are my own

Oct 24, 2019, 6 tweets

Next up is @TServerless speaking about the full development lifecycle of a Serverless App!


Efi reinforcing the principle to Integ/E2E test against cloud resources.

Great tip by @Lumigo on creating Sandbox AWS accounts for developers or per team to quickly experiment as not all local tools won’t emulate the full experience.

Also, create your metrics asynchronously by using canonical log lines that can be picked up later


@TServerless shared that they started with a single account for all developers but quickly run into problems as they grew.

They enforce limiting, formatting, coding style, pre-commit and husky for Git hooks.


Efi and the team also do AppSec review in addition to CodeReview and pair programming!

And also the need for constantly providing developers tools that adopt their conventions over configuration - “That way we don’t get in but out of he way of our developers”

And lastly showing how they dog food by using their own platform to monitor and debug themselves.

And the awesome Lumigo CLI that helps with daily Serverless tasks - Lambda tuning, stream records sneak peek etc


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