Heitor Lessa Profile picture
🇧🇷 Immigrant in 🇳🇱 learning Calisthenics | Job @AWS Principal Architect Powertools for AWS. Opinions are my own

Oct 24, 2019, 5 tweets

Our very own and savvy developer develop are @jbesw !!


James walking us the complexity of microservices integration over time as an intro to how events can help us make that process easier.


After James introduced event driven architecture,and explained the challenges of integrating with SaaS providers to consume events into your system.

He’s now explaining the beauties of Event Bridge as an Event Bus to route and filter events to multiple targets


@NMoutschen and I praying to the demo gods as James pull his sleeves to show the code

Show us the code!


Annnd and worked!

James showcases the use of Infrastructure as Code with SAM and CloudFormation to hook up events and functions.


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