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Oct 25, 2019, 9 tweets


Business leaders across industries face a world of constant disruption. Hear insights on how to navigate it from executives of @IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC and @GrupoVotorantim in a panel led by @MartinKReeves on October 25.

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves What will it take for companies to win in the coming decade? asks @MartinKReeves.

One important thing for me is to continue building relationships, says Gerardo Mato of HSBC. We have to converge technology with relationships, and that’s a way you can build the future. #BRAVObiz

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves You don’t just have to reinvent yourself, but you have to be a lot more imaginative, says João Miranda, CEO of @GrupoVotorantim.

To change, you don’t have to send a lot of people to Palo Alto. Change comes from within. #BRAVObiz

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves João Miranda is our 2019 CEO of the Year for his leadership in further diversifying Brazil's largest industrial conglomerate to new sectors such as wind farms, energy trading, and the pulp industry.

Hear him LIVE now on this #BRAVObiz panel:

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves .@AndresGluski of @TheAESCorp at #BRAVObiz:

Kodak was the inventor of the digital camera but they never implemented it because they were making so much money on film.

Are you willing to disrupt today’s business for the product of tomorrow?

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves @AndresGluski At AES, we’ve bought a number of small companies and accelerated their growth.

The incumbent has to have the humility to have a light touch to let the newcomers develop freely.

@AndresGluski, President and CEO of @TheAESCorp , and @ASCOA Chairman, at #BRAVObiz

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves @AndresGluski .@MartinKReeves: How does the formula for leadership need to change?

Ana Paula Assis of @IBM: We need leaders who ask more questions. We need leaders who are empathetic and humble and create groups that work together. Collaboration is a big element. #BRAVObiz

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves @AndresGluski Latin America is on fire, literally, says Andrés El-Mann of @fibraunomx. We’re lacking true hombres del estado.

We truly need to think more about people. True statesmen need to take care of the people.

Watch #BRAVObiz LIVE:

@IBM @fibraunomx @TheAESCorp @HSBC @GrupoVotorantim @MartinKReeves @AndresGluski What’s one thing the next generation of leaders should focus on? asks @MartinKReeves.

Ana Paula Assis: Responsibility.

@AndresGluski: Balance.

Gerardo Mato: Attitude and common sense.

André El-Mann: Don’t forget your history.

João Miranda: Never stop learning.


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