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Oct 25, 2019, 12 tweets

Our next panel at #BRAVObiz starts now, on building a customer-centric enterprise.

Panelists include @MicrosoftBr’s Paula Bellizia, @Fernandogzz of CEMEX, Erika Herrero of Belcorp, @cmuruzabal of SAP Latin America, @p_santilli of PepsiCo, and moderator @josemanuelcnn

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn At #BRAVObiz, honoree @cmuruzabal says there is a gap that needs to be addressed between customers who expect experiences that come with products and services, and providing that experience.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn Erika Herrero of Belcorp at #BRAVObiz:

The amount of consumer data we have is a luxury, and we're seeing a proliferation of brands so the consumer really has the power. What doesn't change is the importance of being consumer-centric.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn .@Fernandogzz of CEMEX explains that nowadays being customer-centric has a completely different meaning, because customers are different, they have many more options.

#BRAVObiz, now LIVE from Miami.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn .@josemanuelcnn asks Paula Bellizia about going beyond consumer-centricity to human-centricity.

She says that the new mission is to empower the customer through technology at @MicrosoftBr, and at the core of that is empathy, you need to truly listen. #BRAVObiz

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn At #BRAVObiz, @cmuruzabal emphasizes the importance of listening to the customer at every point of contact to be able to understand the customer, but then, how do you act upon it?

The challenge is using the right technology to get right results.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn "If you build the right team, it can take you to places you may have never thought you would ever get to."

@cmuruzabal, LIVE at #BRAVObiz in Miami

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn Today at #BRAVObiz, @p_santilli of PepsiCo talked about the role of technology in the supply chain.

Smart use of water, fertilizers, control towers, mitigation of waste, being conscious of environmental impacts, cost-efficiency, all help generate growth.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn Up next at #BRAVObiz in Miami, entrepreneur Blanca Treviño, CEO of @Softtek, talks about self-determination, empathy and trust.

Watch LIVE.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn @Softtek President and CEO of @Softtek and BRAVO award-winner Blanca Treviño talks of redefining leadership at #BRAVObiz.

"It's a new world and time, both encouraging and challenging."

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn @Softtek On values, CEO of @Softtek Blanca Treviño specifies 3 at #BRAVObiz.

1. Self-determination, not allowing others to define what you do.

2. Empathy in the business perspective attracts the best talent and clients.

3. Trust.

@MicrosoftBr @Fernandogzz @cmuruzabal @p_santilli @josemanuelcnn @Softtek And now time for a quick coffee break!

#BRAVObiz will be back shortly with a discussion on "Digital Challengers: The Next Wave of Expansion" with executives from Mastercard, MercadoLibre, BofA Merrill Lynch, Nubank, and the Boston Consulting Group.

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