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Oct 25, 2019, 5 tweets

(1/5) Flashback to the maiden edition of our cultural day celebration organised by the NNPC/NAOC/Oando Joint Venture yesterday.

#HumansOfOando #OandoCSR

(2/5) The guest speaker, HE Minister of Information and Culture @hmiclaimohammed said in his speech “This is a day set aside to celebrate the people of the company’s host communities in its 4 states of operation - Bayelsa, Delta, Imo and Rivers …

#HumansOfOando #OandoCSR

(3/5) …giving the people of the host communities the opportunity to showcase their cultural heritage is a sure way to reconnect them to their roots. This will in turn help to restore their moral values and self-worth; a sure recipe for avoiding anti-social activities.”

(4/5) Reiterating the benefits of the celebration, COO, Oando Energy Resources(OER), @airune , commented that “The hope is that through events like this, Nigeria will be on the map of the world as a society that embraces its diversity rather than emphasizing…


(5/5) …observable differences along the contours of class, gender, religion and other social constructions and will in the near future become a tourist destination thereby promoting economic growth”.


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