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Oct 28, 2019, 5 tweets

During the just concluded #DoorOfReturn2019, All the tourists struggled to keep back tears from rolling down freely from their eyes to their cheeks, as Mr. Anago Osho, the tour guide went immemorial to narrate the sordid experience faced by our ancestor slaves.

One of the major slave merchants of the time, was Chief Seriki Faremi Williams Abass whose compound was first made a monument in 1940 during the colonial admin.
He was a slave in Europe before he was returned by a slave master who enlisted him as his agent.

The compound has 40 slave cells (baracoon) with numerous slave equipment and chains where slaves were chained and tied to.

One of the slave cells was a 12 by 10ft room in size, which consistently kept 40 slaves for three months while waiting for the arrival of slave ships.... be exported to Europe and America through the ‘Point of No Return’ on Gberefu sea beach-Badagry.

”Our ancestors were humiliated psychologically, physically, traumatized and tortured by the slave masters. Many of them were chained together with strong chains.

According to Osho, once the slaves drank from the well, they became weak, lose their memories and are lined up to the big ships that ferried them out of the continent to unknown destinations ” The Journey of No Return”.

@porshe_world couldn't resist the emotional stories too.

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