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Nov 14, 2019, 8 tweets

The holidays are all about family, fun, and FOOD!

Can't wait to try these favorites by @TheMandyMoore. #NBCOhWhatFun

@TheMandyMoore No holiday feast is complete without a classic stuffing, courtesy of @ChrissyMetz. ❤️ And if you need a beautiful, yet easy dessert, try these apple rose pastries by @MHancsicsak! 🌹

@TheMandyMoore @ChrissyMetz @MHancsicsak Comfort food is a holiday must, and @Logan_Shroyer & @theparkerbates have just the recipes for you. 🤗

@TheMandyMoore @ChrissyMetz @MHancsicsak @Logan_Shroyer @theparkerbates .@AsanteBlackk and @LyricRoss7 are here for all of your holiday necessities. 🥰

@TheMandyMoore @ChrissyMetz @MHancsicsak @Logan_Shroyer @theparkerbates @AsanteBlackk @LyricRoss7 A recipe for every Randall! A big thank you to @SterlingKBrown, @nilesfitch, and @LonnieChavis for sharing these tasty treats. 🍴

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