Madeleine L'Engle Profile picture
Madeleine L'Engle (1918-2007), author of more than 60 books, including the classic A Wrinkle in Time. Curated by granddaughter/executor @charlottejv

Nov 20, 2019, 16 tweets

A thread with photos of the #lengleconference sessions from this past weekend. Starting with @HolyDreaming's opening keynote.

Learning from Madeleine. With @StephanieCowell @JudithLindbergh @olugbemisola and Pamela Leggett

@diversebooks presents: The New Generation of Meg Murrys. With @ctrichmond @Sayantani16 @heidiheilig and @KarunaRiazi

Madeleine in conversation with Buddhism, with Edward Jones

Katherine Paterson gives the keynote address

Icons of the True: Adapting Novels for Film. With Peter Royston, @madebyhand5 @KairosFilm and David Paterson

Listening to the Work. With Seth Little, Albert Pedulla, Joyce Yu-Jean Lee, and @audreyassad

Feeding the Lake: A Journaling Workshop with @Sophfronia

Writing a Writer's Life: The Art of Biography. With @abbystweets and @LAWhalen13

Glorious Impossibles: Writing about faith for younger readers. With @olugbemisola @ibizoboi @KarinaYanGlaser and @VeeraHira

On-site bookstore by @BooksofWonder

Reading Like Madeleine: A lunch conversation with @LindsayWrites

Conference closing with @charlottejv

Musician-in-Residence @audreyassad

Friday retreat with Barbara Braver

Many, many thanks to co-directors @HolyDreaming and @writing4urlife, host @AllAngelsChurch and additional in-kind contributors @MacKidsBooks @penguinrandom @OpenRoadMedia @smithcollege @Image_Journal

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