Clare Qualmann Profile picture
artist, lecturer, walker, urban forager, library lover. Co-editor 'Lines of Desire' @LivingMaps, co-founder walking artists network. She/Her

Nov 22, 2019, 5 tweets

The special edition of @theCSPA quarterly on WALKING that I have guest edited is available NOW! Featuring luscious content from @hedgesprite @BibiCalderaro @AmySharrocks & #SharynEgan #MaraaCollective #LuciaMonge @PlantonMovil you can buy a copy here:…

@theCSPA @hedgesprite @BibiCalderaro @AmySharrocks @PlantonMovil @UEL_News @artsadm @ArtsDigitalUEL @risd . @hedgesprite's 'All in a Day's Walk' tells the story of the (near impossible) task of living for a month on food that was grown, processed & sold within a walkable distance from her home. This is a score that you can try yourself! and is a stark portrait of UK food production..

@theCSPA @hedgesprite @BibiCalderaro @AmySharrocks @PlantonMovil @UEL_News @artsadm @ArtsDigitalUEL @risd 'Connecting Country: Walking Waterscapes' sees @AmySharrocks & #SharynEgan discuss their work in Western Australia exploring Perth’s watery histories, from the dreamtime story of the Wagyl who created the Cockburn Sound, to the draining of the wetlands by the colonising British.

@theCSPA @hedgesprite @BibiCalderaro @AmySharrocks @PlantonMovil @UEL_News @artsadm @ArtsDigitalUEL @risd 'Walking in the City: The Olfactory Chambers of Ward 88' by @Maraa_Blr takes an unseemly side of Bangalore, India, and exposes it to a touristic guided walk disrupting understandings of waste, drawing to light the invisible lives of the workers whose livelihood it represents.

@theCSPA @hedgesprite @BibiCalderaro @AmySharrocks @PlantonMovil @UEL_News @artsadm @ArtsDigitalUEL @risd @BibiCalderaro 's 'The Land Where Fountain Avenue Begins' explores the potential of walking practice to disrupt our sense of ourselves as enclosed organisms, forging connections between people & environment in the present & possible futures.

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