John P. Vanek, PhD Profile picture
Professional wildlife biologist and research scientist. Proud dad. Hopefully goes without saying, but tweets/likes != endorsement or represent employer. 🐍🐢🐿️

Nov 22, 2019, 6 tweets

1/6: Like coyotes? Like campus wildlife? Well, here are some cool coyote videos from the outskirts of my campus.

@NIUlive @Nature_IL @INHSillinois #wildlife_biology #camera_traps #campus_wildlife

2/6: Like coyotes? Like campus wildlife? Well, here are some cool coyote videos from the outskirts of my campus.

3/6: Like coyotes? Like campus wildlife? Well, here are some cool coyote videos from the outskirts of my campus.

4/6: Like coyotes? Like campus wildlife? Well, here are some cool coyote videos from the outskirts of my campus.

5/6: Like coyotes? Like campus wildlife? Well, here are some cool coyote videos from the outskirts of my campus.

6/6: Last one! Not a coyote, but a limpy buck!

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