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Titanic-obsessed lefty skeptic. Into LEGO, astrophotography, and and occasionally Cities: Skylines, 3D printing, and other junk. I work on @TitanicHG. He/Him.

Nov 22, 2019, 84 tweets

Images of Groverhaus are hard to come by, so here's a thread where I will tweet some of my favorite Groverhaus images. They'll make you laugh, they'll make you cry, they'll make you ask wtf why

This is the Haus before Grover. Just an ordinary house. Not for long.

The masturbuilder Grover had a vision. The problem was, Microsoft Paint isn't great for such things

Grover looked upon a swamp and dug one of his many shovels into the mud to begin his greatest work. He also stuck a toot pipe out of the shed for some reason.

It wasn't long before a foundation was laid. The great visage of Groverhaus would soon rise above the Great Dismal Swamp!

"So do we use the ladder or the wall to get up there?"

Imagine it. Grover and Friends sitting on those chairs, downing beers while discussing the genius of those stairs, and whether or not it's a good idea to start parking your car in the garage while you're still building it

"It may look like a haphazard collection of timbers and boards, but I assure you it's not"

Boy, if Grover ever decides to install a tub with a gravel foundation on the second floor, let us hope he doesn't cut into that engineered lumber or else it's game over for Groverhaus

Every day the neighbors wake up and go to work, they see Groverhaus rising higher and higher, seemingly rushed to completion in an unsafe way.

The now-infamous rounded window and double doors await installation in the incomplete garage, which is already full of lawn care equipment and children's toys

It's like a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into... something

Here we see part of the Grand Plan for the house. Did Grover create this model himself? We do not know. Or maybe we do, I don't know, I don't have an archives account on SA

Here be the second floor of Groverhaus. Those hideous purple things are apparently flex ducts for the HVAC. If it doesn't make sense, that's OK. Grover probably didn't understand it, either.

And yes, the flex ducts look exactly as if they took that messy duct plan and made it real

That last photo didn't do the beauty of these ducts justice. Look at that. It's like a tree of life, giving air to the inhabitants of Groverhaus

Being done by Grover probably, what are the chances this thing is some sort of huge electrical risk?

There's a lot one could say about a lot here, but I find it noteworthy that they apparently let their kids play in an active construction area, as evidenced by the toys visible in so many of these photos

I can only assume these pipes go to the 2nd floor bathroom

No comment

The Window (praise be unto it) gets installed

This seems a little dangerous but sure

Of course, who can forget the time before the bandages came off

Grover (I assume) stands proudly at the new doorway to his masterpiece

It's all coming together for Grover

Here we see the beginnings of Grover's kitchen, featuring a plethora of outlets and who knows what

There are many notable things about Groverhaus, but one of the main things is how every single photo of the inside housework features an inordinate amount of clutter, much of which has nothing to do with the construction

Here we see another cursed corner of the cursed garage in the cursed Groverhaus

What is this thing? I don't know, honestly. I'm sure it's an HVAC thing, I don't know anything. I just know I wouldn't want to be the one hanging that from the ceiling. I also know it's attached to that vent by the stairs...

This vent, to be precise, seen here without the cover

How about a closeup of Grover's thermostat?

There's food everywhere and it seems like they used the stove, even as everything around it was still being built and decorated

I cannot stress enough just how cluttered every shot of Groverhaus is. It's like nothing was kept clear while they worked, and it bothers me to my core

Here we see Grover's rendering of how he envisioned his new kitchen. Just take note of everything.

And there's the kitchen in real life, incomplete and with SO many plug outlets, over the counters, over the cabinets, everywhere

The upper living space of Groverhaus before it was finished. Note the directional lights on the angled ceiling. And the absurd number of vents.

Stepping outside again, please admire the beauty of Grover's garage doors - how they stagger, the door right next to the garage door, the single lantern light

Speaking of the outside, here's some piping being laid behind the house, adjacent to the original part of Groverhaus

This was a small disaster that befell Grover. It involved poop. Check out the latest bonus episode of @wtyppod when it comes out to find out what happened.

@wtyppod A look back at the garage doors as they were built. I don't know what's wrong here, but I know nothing with Groverhaus ever looks right, even when it is

@wtyppod If you're wondering about the angled corners of the garage doors, I guess this clears that up

@wtyppod I guess the kids helped with Groverhaus, too

@wtyppod In this shot, Groverhaus is screaming

@wtyppod In another look back, we see the bare bones of what would become the infamous Groverhaus facade

@wtyppod A grand view of the main living space of Groverhaus. Have we talked about the stairs? Let's talk about the stairs...

@wtyppod Many things are just weird about the stairs, like the window designed to eject from the house any child who falls down the stairs. Also get a load of that chandelier. Somebody call Sia!

@wtyppod Check out that weirdly-placed vent. See that thermostat that's not only in a room and place that gets a lot of sunlight, but also just randomly in the middle of stairs. Or the fact that there's an outlet at the half-landing, and insulation in the steps.

@wtyppod Check out that cubby under the stairs. What's it for? Who knows. PRobably their dog. OR the cat. Or the catdog.

@wtyppod The stair steps are sheathed in wood to help facilitate one's ejection through the window

@wtyppod Internally, the window layout makes even less sense. Why is the railing so close to the rounded window? And I bet you forgot there was a ceiling fan there.

@wtyppod The upper living room of Groverhaus... furnished? I don't wanna say fully furnished because nothing about this looks full. Why is the table for the TV so small? What's on the VCR? Why a plant on only one speaker? And again, more random clutter on the floor, but now it's Christmas

@wtyppod The bathroom of Groverhaus. With these three images, you get the full experience of having to run to the toilet after accidentally eating dog food that you mistook for Cheez-Its and drinking paint you thought was milk in a sleepy haze because the kitchen counters are so cluttered

Even TWO Roombas could not clean up the clutter

Grover and Co's beautiful work installing the air conditioner

Of course, how can we forget the time Grover barbequed with the grill right up against his house and melted the brand new siding

While I have you folks here, I modeled Groverhaus and made it into a 3D-printable model, so if any of you folks have a 3D printer, you can print your own tiny Groverhaus (with interior):

If you thought I was finished, you'd be wrong. We still have a few more, starting with this bonus image of Grover(?) working on his toot shed.

While not a feature of the Groverhaus addition itself, this roof over the porch of the original section of the house nevertheless seems tacked on and clashes with everything. It also looks like it could collapse at any moment.

This might be what's called a "cleanout pipe," I'm not sure. In any case, there's a story about that on the first bonus episode of @wtyppod coming soon, so become a patron to hear all about it!

@wtyppod Bonus image: More of Grover's lovely CAD work

@wtyppod Throwback to early construction: I'm not entirely sure, but this may be Grover during the initial digging for the Groverhaus foundation

@wtyppod The staggered garage facade rising slowly from the mud of the Great Dismal Swamp

@wtyppod Note how the floor of Groverhaus is much higher than the original part of the house, requiring one to step up a good way to enter Groverhaus and causing the ceiling of the original house to drop into the doorway, visible from the Groverhaus side.

@wtyppod Lights and ducting over what would become Grover's kitchen

@wtyppod Bonus image: The foundation walls of Groverhaus

@wtyppod The precarious installation of Grover's furnace. The hole in the wall to the right of it leads to the vent over the half landing of the stairs

@wtyppod In all honesty, I have no idea where in Groverhaus this is, so I leave it to you folks to discuss

@wtyppod Grover's water heater and surplus paint storage

@wtyppod Additional Groverhaus kitchen view. Note the way the ceiling of the original house "drops" into the doorway between the house and addition because the addition's floor is way higher.

@wtyppod Here we see the installation of the Fast-Clic vinyl fake wood flooring

@wtyppod A later stage of the cluttered kitchen. There's been debate about the lack of a stove hood. The advent of microwaves with built-in hoods and other photos showing a vent behind the microwave space would seem to indicate that Grover did have a vent hood for the stove. Maybe.

@wtyppod The final photo of the kitchen

@wtyppod Bonus image: A plan of the 1st floor kitchen/dining area

@wtyppod To cap off the bonus images (at least unless more Groverhaus images are unearthed), here's the wall of the original house against which Groverhaus was eventually built.

@wtyppod I lied, here's another one. What these pipes go to is anybody's guess.

@wtyppod And to bring Groverhaus to some semblance of completion, here's the section of melted siding all patched up. Do you think there will be a time when future occupants of Groverhaus will see the gaps in the siding and wonder what occurred there?

@wtyppod Now we come to the end of this little journey, at least until more images are found. As we approach December, let us enjoy Groverhaus decked out for the holidays.

Okay, now that the images are out of the way, some housekeeping, notes, and mentions. First, don't forget to check out the original Groverhaus Twitter thread - - which goes into way more detail about the happenings surrounding these photos.

Second: These photos were pulled from many sources, with one of the biggest ones being this Imgur album: - I don't know if that person or others were the ones to save the images from disappearing altogether, but we're forever in their debt.

3rd: I seem to have pissed off some people with this thread, specifically by mentioning the podcast. It's not my podcast, I was just a guest, I'm not making money from it. I mention it in the ways I did because I didn't want to spoil it before it was released.

4th: While I mention a few things here, this thread barely scratches the surface of Groverhaus; namely Grover himself and his antics on Something Awful, the finer details of his DIY job, and more. For that there are many sources, including @3liza's original thread.

5th: This is not supposed to step on the toes of that aforementioned thread, nor is it supposed to be a detailed history of Groverhaus. It's a repository for the photos, even the boring ones, that's pretty much it.

6th: I also am not going to reveal where Groverhaus is (beyond what's already well-known about the general location). Grover's a real person with a family who probably still lives there, he doesn't need people creeping around his house...

7th: On that note, while we poke fun at Grover and his house, I mean no ill will towards him, and I would hope the same is true for the rest of us. In the end, he wanted to do a thing and he did the thing relatively well, actually, all things considered. Good on him.

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