Mark Ka$hman ❄️ Profile picture
Walking fool w/2 kiddos, children's 📖s, @SharePoint & #MSLists, The Intrazone 🎙 pod + occasional bad puns😉

Nov 23, 2019, 7 tweets

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

Give #TheJoker an inch, and he takes a smile. 🃏

a lil GIF tribute thread

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