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We've moved with same handle to bsky. Zinn Education Project: free teaching people's history lessons & workshops. Coord. by @RethinkSchools & @TeachingChange

Nov 23, 2019, 7 tweets

Great Day 1 at #NCSS2019 conference in Austin. Lots of people came by ZEP booth for conversation, @RethinkSchools books, raffle, to plege to #TeachClimateJustice, and more. 📷 Bill Bigelow and @DrLaGarrettKing with "Teaching a People’s History of Abolition and the Civil War."

Thanks to publishers' donations, we raffled lots of books at #NCSS2019: "This Changes Everything" by @NaomiAKlein, YA version of "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by @JamesWLoewen via @thenewpress, "Never Caught: The Story of Ona Judge" by @ericaadunbar via @simonschuster, & many more.

People's history book raffle at #NCSS2019 If you are at the conference, stop by Booth #333 on Saturday. (Not at NCSS? Share a teaching story about a ZEP lesson and receive a book -- see: zinnedproject.org/share-your-sto…)

"The COINTELPRO lesson plan made for a remarkable class session last spring. Students dug into and debated every paragraph of every document. An energy boost, new fuel for their thinking and communicating, for the remainder of the spring." --Malik Ali See: zinnedproject.org/materials/coin…

"Thanks for the climate change mixer lesson. My students LOVED taking on the various personas." -- Amanda Toparek. See lesson here: zinnedproject.org/materials/clim…

Dean Spencer told us how his students meet during their lunch hour to work on climate issues in their school and beyond. Join Dean and pledge to #TeachClimateJustice zinnedproject.org/news/climate-j…

Some ZEP team members attended the excellent keynote by @PenielJoseph at #NCSS2019 He talked about the Third Reconstruction, his upcoming book "Sword and the Shield" on revolutionary lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, and more. Very short excerpt: instagram.com/p/B5Mf7YRnp25/…

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