The Artist Formerly Known As Profile picture
this isn't even my final form

Nov 24, 2019, 16 tweets

So the events of last year, didn't just trigger a faux public call out but a private one too. There were people who went around accounting tales of me sending unsolicited pictures in personal circles as well. When it was patently untrue. Case in point: @4ngery

Now context is @4ngery (Krupa Gohil) was an ex-AIB social media employee who had a particular axe to grind with the folks who ran AIB. I know this because I also echoed the same sentiment at that time. We were fairly pally online and I thought of her as a friend.

What I didn't know, however, that post the events of October 2018 she made a complete U-turn to how she felt about me and went around poisoning the minds of people who could help. This was particularly devious because she actively made sure that I was left with NO support system.

Like many, she used my downfall as a way to get back at AIB. Spread the word publicly that it was unsafe place to work because it was full of predators (like me, of course) and that she was put in jeopardy by the management. Also she campaigned to have their videos be taken down.

When I confronted her, she doubled down and said that I sent her an unsolicited dick pic. Which couldn't have been further from the truth because I have her enthusiastic consent (and appreciation) on record. Not to mention that she followed it with nudes of her own.

What prompted it? Perhaps it had something to do with her friendship with @kanikakaul22, which obviously seems suspect in retrospect now. Perhaps the way they bonded was by sharing their fake trauma about me. I don't know.

It's a speculation, not an insinuation.

(Also Acciobae was her earlier handle on Twitter so I saved it as such on Snapchat. I changed her name to Krupa after a while. This is open to scrutiny for any investigative agencies.)

And the sexting wasn't a one time thing. It was an ongoing affair. Our chats is inundated with nudes and almost all of them were from her. In fact there were instances where *she* would want to flirt and I would ruin the mood with a bad joke or silly reference.

In fact, the last 'normal' conversation I had with her was on October 1st where she was pointing at some guy who looked slightly like me. And before that we were making plans to meet etc. So her opinions were clearly coloured by Kukreja's allegations against me.

I still don't know know what drove her to have such a vindictive stance on me when all we had were fun/weird exchanges. This is her doing an Insta Live where she is talking about the fact that I haven't had a job for over a year and also mocked my illness.

Also please notice the people gleefully responding to her video. You might find some familiar names. And a pattern.

So I am told @4ngery has put forth some tweets. For one she says I refused to delete her intimate pictures. Um, yes. Buddy if you're going around maligning me in private and public circles, I will need irrefutable evidence to support my claims if it goes to court.

She has also valiantly put forth the uncropped version of our conversation where I say I'm sorry to her. Not because it's an admission. I say sorry in the same way you say 'I'm sorry you feel this way' before exiting a conversation that is going in circles. This is on 8th Oct '18

What she doesn't put out is the fact that I messaged her with the very evidence I released earlier today five days later on 13th Oct '18.

When she couldn't find any proof of me sending her an unsolicited picture of my privates, she switched tracks and turned it about me sexualizing her and her friend. Even there the context is fairly tongue-in-cheek. Especially since we had had conversations of this nature before.

Conversations like where @4ngery unabashedly admits to have felt up someone else's girlfriend 'accidentally'. Now what would someone call this kind of behaviour if a guy were to admit to the same? Hmmmm.


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