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Dec 2, 2019, 9 tweets

Today's #Yiakl #SundaySpotlight goes out to Amanuel Eyasu #Asena @AtvAsena!

Thank you for showing an exceptional dedication and commitment to be a voice for Eritreans!

#Kifaya #WeAreComingHome

“Assena Satellite TV, produced by the seasoned and vibrant journalist Mr. Amanuel Eyasu, is the First Opposition Satellite TV to make a Breakthrough into the Eritrean Airspace, and the region.”

“Amanuel holds MA in Journalism and MA in Information Management. Amanuel has worked as a headteacher, journalist and as the head of Eritrean News Agency, Asmara and Environs. He also worked as a Broadcast Media Coordinator with the BBC.”

“As a journalist, Amanuel covered closed sessions of the Eritrean Cabinet for many years. He has interviewed senior politicians, including Isaias Afewerki. Now, Amanuel is the founder of Assenna Foundation and current editor of assenna.com and Radio Assenna”

Amanuel is a true patriot who has made his mission to inform the public of the conditions in #Eritrea, GOE's false propaganda and wrongdoings. He has been the voice for the voiceless and hero to many Eritreans through his unmatched dedication and commitment.

Amanuel's tough journalism & criticism of the GOE recently on 11/26/19 has caused him to physically be assaulted by 4-5 PFDJ thugs at Putney Bridge Station in London. The attack on him was an attack on all justice seekers, freedom of press, & expression.

Let's show our solidarity with Amanuel Eyasu and freedom of Press by donating to Asenna Foundation's legal funding appeal.

Go fund me link: gofundme.com/f/assenna-foun…

More ways to support Asena Media Foundation.

Account Number: 51466135
Branch Sort Code: 40-02-17
IBAN and Swift Code
IBAN: GB59MIDL40021751466135
Swift Code: MIDLGB2106A

link: gofundme.com/f/support-atv-…

Please join team @BeqaYiakl in acknowledging the indomitable Amanuel Eyasu for his heroic service for his people!

#Eritrea #Yiakl #WeAreComingHome
#SundaySpotlight #Eritrea2020

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