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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Dec 2, 2019, 5 tweets

KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis is currently on @KTNNewsKE to discuss the state of manufacturing in the country


KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - Global competitiveness and growth is at the heart of the transformation agenda in developing countries.


Competitiveness greatly depends on sustainable industrial development which must be attained while addressing the needs of the current generation without interfering with manufacturing needs for future growth - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis


KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - On 4th December we will be launching the Kenya Plastics Action Plan, a private sector led policy and action plan aimed at enabling a circular economy for environmentally sustainable use and recycling of plastics in Kenya


The action plan is a roadmap to a circular economy for plastic use and waste management in Kenya - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis


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