Sophie Hill Profile picture
PoliSci PhD student @ Harvard / 🇬🇧🏳️‍🌈 / Creator of @My_Little_Crony

Dec 3, 2019, 7 tweets

managed to squeeze on my @hgsuuaw shirt over a LOT of layers. stay warm out there folks and MERRY STRIKE DAY ONE!! #contractNOW #NoCarveOut

@Harvard Gov grad workers on strike!

solidarity keeps you warm!!!

the Harvard Harvard
administration yard
slippery af

Harvard Gov professors talking about unions in their research vs. unions on their campus

like... come ON!! we made an FAQ section for you! all you have to do is add your name to say you won't retaliate against striking grad students (which is, uh, the law)!!

4 superstars here 👇 but none of the faculty who literally study unions lmao

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