Marques Brownlee Profile picture
Web Video Producer | ⋈ | Pro Ultimate Frisbee Player | Host of @WVFRM @TheStudio

Dec 5, 2019, 5 tweets

Alright Twitter, welcome back to the ultimate People’s Choice experiment

This is a 16-way blind smartphone camera bracket

All you have to do is pick the better photo in the upcoming polls

There are flagships. There are cheap phones. Winners move on after 24 hours 👀


Ok that first round of 16 is always wild. Almost every matchup was a blowout.

Tons of people guessing, thinking they know which phone is which.......

Here are the winners. Let's begin the voting for round 2, shall we?

Alright some much closer results that round, but here we have the results.

I just to say the one I originally guessed would win is still in. The rest is chaos.

It's time for semifinals. Get your voting fingers ready...

Every round has produced closer and closer matchups. Next tweet is the final round. Choose wisely...


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