Meri 4x💉“Exiled for Good of the Realm” Williams Profile picture
CTO @Pleo. NED @FlagstoneGroup. Chair @TheLeadDev 🎤 Advisor @Kindred_VC, @SkillerWhale1. Wife to @ellywilliams. #ND #EhlersDanlos 🏳️‍🌈

Dec 6, 2019, 5 tweets

“If you’re hiring someone from an underrepresented group who has been underpaid, folks in those groups face a lot of bias.

So you have the opportunity - and I think the duty - to try to fix that” [rather than propagating it or taking advantage] @KevinGoldsmith #LeadDevBerlin

“Things to consider:
- current salary
- previous salary (might have taken a cut)
- experience
- company’s stage of growth
- company’s salary bands for the role
- skill scarcity
- budget for role
- underrepresented group membership
- next pay review” @KevinGoldsmith #LeadDevBerlin

“Things NOT to consider:
- what others on the team make
- how long it’s taken to fill the role
- how much YOU make

The best way for you to improve your salary is to hire the most talented people you can” @KevinGoldsmith #LeadDevBerlin

“Leveraging things other than salary:
- benefits (stock growth opportunity, learning credits...)
- learning opportunities (role / responsibility growth opportunities)
- interesting technology challenges
- career-change
- company culture”

@KevinGoldsmith #LeadDevBerlin

When thinking about pay-rises and comp reviews:

“Salary is about performance. Stock options are about future potential*

* in many companies” @KevinGoldsmith #LeadDevBerlin

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