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Literary translator from Spanish including @_PaulPen, @msofiasegovia, @MartinezBelli and @MDuenasOficial

Dec 6, 2019, 7 tweets

If anyone tells you Brexit is the will of the people, please show them this thread...

"A dictator does not need to follow the will of the majority. He must however have the ability to use the WILL OF THE PEOPLE."

~ Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany.

"[Fascism] is opposed to classical Liberalism [...] which brought its historical purpose to an end when the State was transformed into the conscience and WILL OF THE PEOPLE."

~ Benito Mussolini, founder of fascism.

"True democracy only begins when the WILL OF THE PEOPLE is carried out."

~ Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists.

"Theresa May must fulfill the WILL OF THE PEOPLE."

~ Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

"Fundamentally, the thing I think that most matters, is being able to deliver on the WILL OF THE PEOPLE."

~ Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

"Labour respects the result of the referendum and the WILL OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE and will not frustrate the process for invoking Article 50."

~ Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Opposition.

"I strongly disagree with this judgement, and we will not be deterred from getting on and delivering on the WILL OF THE PEOPLE to come out of the EU on 31 October"

~ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

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