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Dec 9, 2019, 7 tweets



The FBI used Christopher Steele to get information on General Flynn.

FBI promised Steele he would be paid "significantly" for this information.

cc @KerriKupecDOJ

@KerriKupecDOJ August 2016:

SSA1 (Pientka?) ran an op against Flynn under the guise of providing a defensive briefing.

@KerriKupecDOJ August 16, 2016: "A counterintelligence FARA case was opened on Flynn."

Just a week after Flynn Intel Group signed (8/9/16) a contract - and before it had done much, if any, work.

Extremely suspicious timing.

@KerriKupecDOJ IG Report confirms our previous suspicions:

Counter-intelligence investigations undertaken for FARA violations (conflated with 951 violations).

More info here:

@KerriKupecDOJ "The FBI did not have information corroborating the Steele reporting"

Without corroboration - they lied to the FISC about Steele's credentials and his prior history as an informant.

@KerriKupecDOJ The Halper (FBI CHS)/Papadopoulos conversations were "conducted by the FBI" and recorded.

"The FISA application did not include the statements Papadopoulos made to his CHS that were in conflict with info included in the FISA application."

@KerriKupecDOJ The worst accusations against @carterwpage - that he was was offered a "bribe" in return for lifting sanctions - turned out to be a Steele lie.

Texts from the "sub-source" never even discussed a bribe.

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