KAM Profile picture
Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Dec 11, 2019, 14 tweets

Congratulations to all Winners for your outstanding contribution to the Manufacturing Sector. We were delighted to award different Members and KAM Chapters for their contributions in championing sustainability in their different areas and industries of operation. #KAMSaysAsante

2nd Runners Up, Award for the "The Most Effective Chapter" - South Rift Region #KAMSaysAsante

1st Runners Up, Award for the "The Most Effective Chapter" - Central Region #KAMSaysAsante

Winner for the "The Most Effective Chapter" - Coast Region #KAMSaysAsante

Runners Up, Award for the "The Most Effective Sector" - Motor Vehicle Sector #KAMSaysAsante

Winner for "The Most Effective Sector" - Metal Sector

Runners Up, Award for the "The Most Improved Sector" - Paper and Paper Board #KAMSaysAsante

Winner for "The Most Improved Sector" - Building Mining and Construction #KAMSaysAsante

Most Active Member 2019 in Subscription Payment - @Ultravetis East Africa Limited #KAMSaysAsante

Most Active Member 2019 in Attendance of KAM Training - @PaperbagsLtd #KAMSaysAsante

Most Active Member 2019 in Attendance of KAM Meetings and Events - @MRM_Ltd

Recognition of KAM Ambassador
Lucas of KEDA Industries for inviting the Chinese Owned Companies in KAM membership #KAMSaysAsante

Recognition of KAM Ambassador
Scrumptious Eats - Kabuki Mungai- Anyumba for Effectively Marketing KAM #KAMSaysAsante

Award for the Best in Environmental Conservation - PET Subsector

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