Sophie Hill Profile picture
PoliSci PhD student @ Harvard / 🇬🇧🏳️‍🌈 / Creator of @My_Little_Crony

Dec 11, 2019, 7 tweets

today was my first day strike-caroling with @hgsuuaw and it was extremely wholesome and energizing! special shout-out to @annastansbury for some truly incredible descanting 😅

🎵 “UPS packages Teamsters won’t bring //
These are a few of my favorite things!” 🎶 #HGSUstrike

🎵 “For Harvard is on strike, my friends, for Harvard is on striiiiiiike” 🎶 #HGSUstrike

🎵 “BaaAAAaaAaAAAaaaAaAA *gasp* COW” 🎶 #HGSUstrike

seriously lads try to filter out my voice and listen to the pros next to me who were just casually throwing in some 3 part harmony 😂😅😍 #HGSUstrike

🎵 “Where our clean teeth glisten* and admins listen, to hear workers in the snoooooow” 🎶 #HGSUstrike

*we don’t have dental (lol)

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