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Dec 12, 2019, 11 tweets

After a year at asteroid Bennu today’s the day. We have a sample collection site! #XMarksTheSpot

Starting now, tune in for the announcement!

Some of the material in one of these images will be coming back to Earth 😱

Sure has been a wild ride, but after everything, we identified the four best sites on Bennu for sample collection.

While each site is diverse in location and topography, they each have highlights and challenges.

I’m going to site Nightingale! 🛰🌑🎉 #XMarksTheSpot

Check out my view of Nightingale.

Since we have multiple sampling attempts, the team selected Osprey as a backup site in case a follow-on attempt at Nightingale isn’t possible.

Another *birds-eye* view, but of Osprey 😉

Big decisions have been made, and there’s more to come. What’s next?

There’s definitely work to do before touching down on Nightingale’s surface…

Curious about how the selection was made and why these sites were chosen? Read more on #XMarksTheSpot:

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