Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Dec 12, 2019, 7 tweets

Eviction of #TamansariMelawan residents in #Indonesia met with heavy use of force. Footage from yesterday indicates excessive force by police. Video below filmed underneath Jl. Layang Pasupati overpass at this exact location:…. H/T to @joeralphobia for 📹

We know this is the area, as the paintings on the highway support beams match Google Street view. From this location, we can tell that police were throwing objects towards the direction of the Masjid Al-Islam mosque (green square). They were located here:…

Police progressed forward, encircling Balubur Town Square shopping centre. Footage from Facebook shows civilians beaten by #Indonesia riot police in front of on Jl. Kb. Kembang at this crossover:…. #TamansariMelawan

This footage, also filmed out the front of Balubur Town Square, shows police, dressed in riot equipment beat civilians. Footage geolocated to:… #TamansariMelawan #Indonesia

We know this footage was filmed in front of Balubur Town Square shopping centre, as it matches the imagery seen on Google Street view seen here:… #TamansariMelawan #Indonesia

Police progressed up Jl. Kb. Kembang, clashing with civilians and using heavy force on their way through the neighbourhood. This footage was filmed from here:… as police moved east up the street. #TamansariMelawan #Indonesia

We know this footage was filmed here, as the front of Balubur Town Square shopping centre is visible in footage & can be cross-referenced with Google Street view (…). Google Earth indicates direction of movement of police. #TamansariMelawan #Indonesia

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