Stephanie Graff, MD, FACP, FASCO Profile picture
Director Breast Oncology, Brown University Health | Assoc Prof Legorreta Cancer Center Brown Univ | Views Mine | | COI ⬇

Dec 13, 2019, 15 tweets

The debate begins! #SABCS19 /thread

The audience going in is fairly divided. #SABCS19

Dr. Marks says radiation (XRT) technique allows for both better treatment planning for treating disease area and to minimize collateral damage (heart, lung) #SABCS19

SEER data backs up the reduction of cardiac risk over time... #SABCS19

Dr Marks critical of short followup of nipple sparing mastectomy data. #SABCS19

Breast satisfaction, psych well being and sexual well being better with breast conservation + XRT #SABCS19

Dr. Marks presents his “score card” #SABCS19

Now Dr Thompson takes the podium to counter the debate. #SABCS19

(He already is scoring major points for clever graphics and professional jests) #SABCS19

“This debate is really about PATIENT CHOICE” #SABCS19

Highlights both short term and long term side effect of XRT #SABCS19

Cardiac risk remains a “cause for concern” #SABCS19

Great job using Dr Marks own words in battle... #SABCS19

Important comment: Mastectomy means loss of sensation—and emphasizing sensation matters to emotional and sexual heath. Also talks about implant risks/toxicity. #SABCS19

Final outcome? TIE. #SABCS19 /end

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