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(she/her) | Content Lead #VCTEMEA @riotgames by day | fanfic writer by night | still learning how not to kill my monsteras

Dec 22, 2019, 109 tweets

Welcome to #Lasersims Season 3!
Unfortunately due to some computer problems I had to start a new game. But fear not, it's going to be a good one.


I'm playing the university add-on so I decided to make some young adults with lots of faults and weaknesses.

Maddy Longford is an aspiring academic who loves reading, is very neat and is family-oriented.

She's also the worst socializer.

The neighbours came to say hello and Maddy and Tony (her roommate) had an impromptu party.

Maddy said something awkward. Repeatedly. And then decided to dance while making the saddest face ever.

Actually I think I accidentally created myself. #lasersims

Well, her roommate, Tony Fackbeu (yeah) is an aspiring writer who is confident, active, and a foodie.

He's also a total idiot who rather eats by himself while watching TV than to talk to awkward loner Maddy. Get a clue, Tony

tfw you're hungry and you know you shouldn't eat the fruitcake but you do so anyway because you don't want to throw food away but then it tastes like trash #lasersims

Tony asked Maddy if she‘s single. She said yes, left on the spot, went to her room and started playing video games.


Merry Christmas from our #lasersims who spent the day with a grand breakfast, learning that they both got accepted into university (Tony not having anything distinguished, cry baby), lighting the tree and doing homework.

Tony now has a class called "Writing Sadness" and it's perfect for this emo writing asshole.

Maddy also walked in on him peeing. AWKWARD again

Last but not least Maddy decided to fight Father Christmas for her presents and it's the best thing she's done so far

Maddy lost, but she's studying villainy with a distinguished degree so Father Christmas got it coming for him

I don't know what's wrong with this girl but she keeps walking into Tony while he's doing private things in the bathroom

She went to a robotics event and fell in love with Zuri, who was cute enough to flirt with her then but has reacted hostile to every single flirt attempt since so idk, I still ship them but it's difficult :/

Meanwhile Tony is a straight A student (HOW???) and generally annoying with how good he is at everything

omg I just realized that the extra room I made for Maddy had NO ROOF lmao

Hmmm. Zuri showed up flirty all the time, so Maddy gave her a rose, then asked her on a date. There, Zuri only talked to random people and acted offended when Maddy made a move. Welp

Maddy leaves, Zuri shows up at her house. Maddy asks her to leave, Zuri asks her out on a date. This also goes badly so I made Maddy leave in the middle of it. Cue bad blood. Now Zuri occasionally stops by in a flirty mood to "visit" Maddy but then goes straight to Tony. MESSY

Anyway Maddy has graduated in Villainy and they threw a Keg Party

And then Tony made a move???? Outside, near the trash???? Where their relationship belongs????

PS thanks for the great photobomb grandma


Who should Maddy go for

(I'm not sure how to make a relationship between Maddy and Zuri happen but I can try)

Uhm okay this run is so wild. Zuri and Maddy are ON #lasersisms

Okay you wanted this... Maddy and Zuri have the strangest love-hate-thing going on. Kissed. Woohoo'd in the shower.

And I thought... hmmm. Zuri is still cute, maybe this might work after all???

But then Zuri shows up for a sleepover, and SOMETHING (I don't know with this girl) gets her very angry... and she.. uhm. Slaps??? Maddy???? Just like this???? And Maddy's like "THANKS LOVE" but then Tony beats Zuri's ass??? WTF is going on

Now Zuri can sleep on the balcony. Yeah that's right, have a nice sleepover in the cold you asshat

In happier news: Maddy graduated and has started her Villain career. (Photo with classmate Lillith)

Tony is still studying because reasons


Zuri fell asleep on the floor and hasn't shown up ever since. Great relationship 5/5

okay they got really cute together I don’t want to break them up anymore 😂 I think I will move them all to a new, bigger house together https://t.co/W0pjWnqmtS

I… I did something last night… #lasersims

First, to catch up:

- Maddy looks hot in her work outfit
- Tony got so nervous before his finals he threw up
- then got electrocuted by a gnome
- then graduated and photobombed Zuri

Maddy and Zuri went on another date that Zuri initiated. A real one. They were so cute. I told you they are cute together

which is why what I did last night feels so bad


I asked Zuri to move in, good.
They all moved to a new and shiny place, also good.
Zuri and Maddy had sex on Maddy's rocket ship. also very good

Baby Yoda as decoration, super very good

When I moved Zuri to the household I realized she was still studying, lol. So now that I have control over her I'm trying to avoid that B- grade (turned out to be a B), while having cute Christmas together (the girls didn't get anything from Santa, he gave them empty boxes)

I'm thinking to myself: Oh, so what could make this all better??

.. I know!!! A... baby!!!!!

Look, I'm not a very pro Sims player. I don't want to deal with mods. Artificial insemination doesn't work, but I wanted to play with genetics.

So.... uhm.

I made Maddy cheat.

While Zuri was in classes, no less.

And bam, first try: worked. Maddy runs to Tony to tell him, he gets really excited. I'm thinking: Oh shit, how will Zuri react??

Turns out... she's super happy? Gets a big moodlet about an addition to the family????


(Please note the drink in Maddy's hand while she points at her preggo belly LOL)

Only problem was that Tony thought he and Maddy now had something real. Comes down to breakfast the next day, sees the girls flirting, gets sad. Maddy has NONE of his flirt attempts btw. NONE.

New Year starts with the cute couple being happy and the friends hugging it out.

(okay he cried on the toilet for a few hours)

SHIT I forgot an important info: I gave Maddy the fertility trait

not that anyone can tell from the huge bellies the sims always get but I tried for twins or triplets at least

Enjoy some pictures of a VERY preggo Maddy

So the super cute thing is:

- with Maddy and Zuri in a relationship and Tony the father, ALL THREE OF THEM qualified for maternity leave

- both Zuri and Tony got pre-birth panic when Maddy went into labour

And... it's a boy! But... just one kid. I'm lowkey disappointed so I sent Maddy out to adopt a baby girl, Hana.

Now they have two kids with three parents and this is as far as I got :DDDD

DON'T HATE ME I lowkey love this run

oh fuck forgot to mention: Since Zuri is a pre-made Sim from the game I didn't know all of her traits. Turns out she's jealous (LOL but no reaction to her gf showing up pregnant suddenly), clumsy, and has Mischief aspirations :DDD

Uhm okay so.... I've been busy :DDD

We left off when our three roomates/girlfriends/buddies took care of our two new additions to the family. So far, so adorable!!!

Before the sage continues, let's look at some fun moments

First - I don't think I've introduced Lillith yet. She's Tony's longest and best friend, withstood every single flirt attempt from anyone and likes to stop by to stomp in their trash.

She's also a really good friend to them.

On Zuri's first try to make breakfast, she set herself and the kitchen on fire. Tony saved them all.

But my favorite moment? When Maddy ran out without wasting a single thought on Zuri, Tony, or her BABIES

In my mind, this brush with death must have changed Tony -- and Lillith. They flirted, kissed, and because I'm a demon, I made them try for a baby.

And because they're demons, they did it in Zuri & Maddy's bed next to the children.

The next time Lillith comes by, she's pregnant. Everyone's like: hey, super cool, when's your baby due? Can I feel the baby?

Not a single word was lost on the father (Tony). lol

I'm curious so I, uhhhmmm Tony keeps asking her to sleep over because I want to know if she can actually have her baby at Tony's house.

But then sth happens I didn't expect: Lillith and Tony actually fall for each other and get super romantic and cute together w/o my doing

But when Lillith goes into labor she just... leaves. "A personal emergency" LMFAO okay Lillith okay

Next day she calls Tony: "Hey btw I had your child and I named her without asking you, you freaking coward" because I forgot to mention that she isn't his official girlfriend yet at this point

Just so passive aggressive, I love Lillith

So next time she stops by she doesn't have the kid with her. But, hey, apparently she switched careers (remember, she graduated Villainy with Maddy!)

At this point I don't care anymore so I decide to have Lillith move in with them all.

Now I have 4 adults and three babies god help me

Plus: Lillith and Zuri made peace (they used to be enemies), Zuri and Tony became friends, everyone is still adorable

(Oh yeah, Zuri is a journalist now, Tony has maxed his writer career, Maddy is a super villain and Lillith stays at home right now because her status is bugged and she won't graduate lmao)

The first two babies became eventually toddlers: Hana, the adopted girl with angelic trait, Bert, Tony & Maddy's child who is a demonic drama queen. Made new rooms for them too which I might or might not show you but anyway

Oh, and Lillith proposed to Tony (made this so she could adopt Bert as a caregiver but not sure if this even mattered tbh)

I'm trying to have all four to be caregivers for all kids so they can just co-parent in one gigantic messy household

Ahahaha I wanted to add more babies and had two fertile sims try for a baby, and Lillith was supposed to have triplets but she could only have one child because the household was full :D #lasersims

Please do this but related to Sims / #lasersims

I have to continue this thread (SO MUCH HAPPENED) but I don't even know where to start... with the cheating? the marriages? more cheating? the devil child? the child with the bear phase???? #lasersims

okay I have some time today I will update this thread....

So they celebrated the toddlers' first christmas together (please note Maddy's full mom mode taking pictures of her family opening presents)

New Year's Eve was also pretty harmonic. Probably one of the last events with the original couples (Maddy + Zuri and Tony + Lillith) going strong. Toddlers in fancy clothes are sooo cute

I mean in general having three kids is already pretty hard, no idea why I added a fourth.

Plus for a while I had a bug which made playing with the toddlers look like an exorcism

It's hard taking a shower when you have to entertain three helpless kids pretty much all the time

Also randomly some of my sims began running around the neighborhood naked...

Passing an urn and a ball pit

Oh right I don't know about Shauna (Tony + Lillith's first kid) but she definitely did something evil to her dad here

Then the day of the wedding of Tony and Lillith.

Lillith just chilling before the ceremony with a drink is pretty much on brand for her, same as for Tony getting hyper excited

One side note about Angela, Lillith's sister. I think she's a stalker.

When Lillith first moved in, Angela invited her out several times a day, but would never come over. When Lillith ignored her (3 kids, hello), they grew cold.

On Lillith's wedding Angela was super unhappy.

So I don't know what sick sibling-dynamic the Sims have introduced here but it gives me a serial killer vibe. After the wedding, where Angela met Shauna (Lillith's ony biological daugher), Angela started inviting Shauna all the time.... always to deserted parks...

Anyway, have some cute selfies from the wedding:

Inspired by the wedding, Zuri and Maddy went on a date. And it went like this:

Just two ex-lovers turned friends giving each other a completely normal hug during a costume party

Lillith got pregnant (catching up with where I left off) and everyone was very cute and adorable. Little did I know I would get bored with this happiness soon and ruin it...

Bert and Hana had their birthdays on the same day and they both turned to children.

You can see them here with little Shauna during their second Christmas

Lillith also turned into an adult (she's by for the oldest) and then Mikey (the fourth child) turned into a toddler.

I always use the randomize option for the toddler trait and this time, it gave me the independent one. Meaning Mikey throws tantrums all the time. ALL. the time.

About the dynamics in this household at this point:

- Maddy had already accomplished three aspirations and quit her secret agent career to go into tech, busy all the time
- Lillith loved attending to the kids more than anything
- Tony is still a writer, living off royalties

- Zuri is successful in journalism

I felt that both Zuri and Tony were a little lost, with their spouses basically never having time for them. So...


made them...



At this point Tony Fackbeu has slept with all three women in this house.

And because I love Maddy more than anything I thought it would be fun to let her know about what her two best friends are up to

well anyway, Maddy and Zuri made up, the three oldest kids (from left to right: Shauna, Bert, Hana) plus Mikey grew up fast and I thought...

hey. Zuri and Maddy are still engaged!

So. I gave them a wedding. And they are both so beautiful I could cry ;___;

(I hate to say that the cheating part is not over yet)

But before I get to this, let's enter


the childrens go through phases. And apparently they can have... a bear phase.

What is that, might you ask. Well.

The child in this phase dresses up as a bear all the time and if it doesn't, it gets sad. You can talk to them about the costume or even wear one in solidarity.

And... after Shauna went through that phase, Bert also decided he is a bear.

These cursed kids

And now... the more cheating...

so Zuri and Tony had left off their affair with nearly maxed friendship and love.
Zuri was also still very much in love with Maddy.

What I did not expect (and I swear, I didn't do anything, didn't issue any command), is that...

After Zuri married Maddy, literally on the same day, she proceeds to kiss Tony near the very arch that they both got married.... to other people!!

(Look at poor Mikey watching them)

This was too much even for me so I left them alone. No flirting. Nothing. Instead, I hoped they would cool down or it would sort itself out.


It did.

I don't pay attention to them for 5 seconds and Zuri walks in on Tony and Lillith having sex.

Zuri has a jealous trait, so she immediately got two big sad moodlets, and Tony had an embarrased mood for a full day.

Don't ask me why, everyone knew that Tony and Lillith were married??? So...???

Here's Tony doing a pep talk and Zuri hitting him

(no pics of the event itself)


And... uhm... this is where we are now. Zuri had her birthday (look at Tony that fucker being all "I still care about you").

But Tony and Zuri are completely done (believe me, I tried to fix it), they just hate each other now.

PS: look at Hana witnessing Arena (the AI robot sim) dying in their backyard, being completely unbothered by it (she's eating, she doesn't have time for this)

(Arena has now died at least 3 times while visiting the Longford residence. Maddy doesn't even get a sad moodlet anymore, why mourn her friend that somehow comes back after every death)

I have news #lasersims

So Maddy is a vampire now, Zuri got abducted, there was a divorce and a (side character) death

Also it's safe to say that devilish Mikey had the worst birthday party ever

Here's Maddy being curious about vampires and realizing that if she actually asks to get turned then she will get turned

meanwhile, on the other side of the house...

Maddy decided that Tony and Zuri are good for one thing after both of them cheating on her: blood bank

anyway vampire Maddy decided to get herself a side piece after because Zuri and Tony were at it again so now she has a boyfriend, Cameron, who might or might not be insane

I mean.... this was their date on Valentine's Day

Yeah nothing to see here, Zuri. Just two friends in their pyjamas standing in front of a bed

at this point everyone just basically does what they want so of course Zuri and Tony are cozying up again and well if Lillith has been tolerant until now it's definitely over

Lillith's and Tony's romance went STRAIGHT TO ZERO and ooof, they had a big fight and then both took angry poops

So they are through and Lillith wants a divorce. But... oh. Sorry you had to watch that, Mikey.

...on your birthday

Everyone started crying and then the party began.

Maddy had invited her vampire mentor. But, uhm. Well. Let's just say it's very hot where Maddy lives....

Everyone ran outside and watched in horror as Death claimed him...

Oh, who's there, being late to the commotion?

Ah... yeah.... Well.... happy birthday Mikey

anyway what a day to remember

and yeah that is Zuri eating while crying

and if you're wondering where Maddy is? Inside, not giving a fuck

Haven't played #lasersims in a while...

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