M Angeles de la Torre Profile picture
Critical care physician, working on preventIon, diagNosis and treatmeNt of pOstintensiVe care syndrome in the hosp of fuenlabradA (Humanization ICU)#InnovaHUCI

Jan 2, 2020, 7 tweets

Day 1. I was nominated by the incredible @miguelrdgzrubio to post 7 days of photos of my life. Rules: a) no people, b) no explanations, c) nominate someone new every day. Today I nominate the amazing @olmo_raquel #7PhotosOfMyLife

#7PhotosOfMyLife nominated by @miguelrdgzrubio . Rules: No people, no explanations. One per day, this is day 2. @fedescarini (if you haven’t done and/or want), your turn!

Day 3. I was nominated by the incredible @miguelrdgzrubio to post 7 days of photos of my life. Rules: a) no people, b) no explanations, c) nominate someone new every day. Today I nominate the amazing @esthermormarco #7PhotosOfMyLife

Day 4. I was nominated by the incredible @miguelrdgzrubio to post 7 days of photos of my life. Rules: a) no people, b) no explanations, c) nominate someone new every day. Today I nominate the amazing @iceman_ex #7PhotosOfMyLife #innovahuciwrappingpaper

#7PhotosOfMyLife nominated by @miguelrdgzrubio . Rules: No people, no explanations. One per day, this is day 5. @anadeph (if you haven’t done it before and/or want), your turn!

Day 6. I was nominated by the incredible @miguelrdgzrubio to post 7 days of photos of my life. Rules: a) no people, b) no explanations, c) nominate someone new every day. Today I nominate the amazing @tammyeaton17 #7PhotosOfMyLife

Day 7. I was nominated by the incredible @miguelrdgzrubio to post 7 days of photos of my life. Rules: a) no people, b) no explanations, c) nominate someone new every day. Today I nominate the amazing @OT_manu7 #7PhotosOfMyLife

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