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I dig, I gather, I share. Love my Country Love the REAL POTUS DJT It aint over yet... Like my work? Buy me a Coffee? https://t.co/ap47xLMbCh

Jan 9, 2020, 9 tweets

😮 WOW WOW WOW... Wait until you get a load of what I just came across. We need LOTS of eyes on THIS ONE. I just jumped right in.
This is the Link I mentioned that I would leave you:

This one is from August 2017

This one is from Nov 10th 2016 right after the election.

Did you guys catch this one yet from 4-8-19? What day was Julian Assange taken away? 3 days later?

These Quotes are taken from well known people about
Miss Belenoff. I snipped 3 for you. POTUS really has my interest considering the Q connect.

Im adding this link here so that you can see she is legit and is known for these communications. She must be held in high regard to visit Camp David just to name one thing.

This drop was from March 8th 2019. When did that sub sink with the scientist on board that was in the news. I believe it was Russia's? Q went on about it also.

Some Fast facts about Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran. These can be found here:

Whatever the case may be with this whole thing it appears this group has been around a long long time and its just the kind of group we go looking for in our digs. Forget the website and when it was posted. This is more important. The players, the leaders. whoissomersetbelenoff.com/bloody-rise-to…

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