Ashley Fitzpatrick Profile picture
Journalist in NL, Canada. Over a decade in daily news, with more recent feature bylines. Book in progress.

Jan 14, 2020, 25 tweets

It appears the province isn't posting the CO reports referred to here (feel free to mute what follows):…

What's posted online says the files are too large to post, and can be requested through the ATIPPA office. But let's be honest, most people aren't going to make that request. At least if they're online, there's a chance they get read, seen. I'd like the province to find a way...

In the meantime, I may have to sleep eventually, but let's get started. I'm going to post some reports here. I want people to see some of what I've read. ***CONTENT WARNING***- #InsideHMP

"a large pool of blood" #InsideHMP

"yelling and screaming" #InsideHMP

"appeared to be bloody" #InsideHMP

"an assault" #InsideHMP

"effortless punches" #InsideHMP

"exposing junction boxes" #InsideHMP

"legitimate concerns for his safety" #InsideHMP

"leave or get poked full of holes" #InsideHMP

"a physical altercation" #InsideHMP

"bruising and swelling" #InsideHMP

"shadow boxing naked" #InsideHMP

"repeated attempts to wake him" #InsideHMP

"shaking uncontrollably" #InsideHMP

"two inmates tending to him" #InsideHMP

"a pool of blood" #InsideHMP

"as he cried" #InsideHMP

"feared for his life" #InsideHMP

"I do not feel myself" #InsideHMP

"in the turtle position" #InsideHMP

"needed to get off the range" #InsideHMP

"numerous inmates involved" #InsideHMP

That's a small taste, but there are hundreds of reports per the article, plus reports from Clarenville and the St John's lockup. ...I'm going to go get some sleep now.

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