Susan Simpson Profile picture
Attorney in Washington, DC; blogger at The View From LL2; podcaster at @proofcrimepod.

Jan 15, 2020, 10 tweets

Right before his meeting with Lutsenko in New York back on January 26th, Giuliani was on the phone with the "big guy" – which, presumably, would be a reference to Trump himself.

On July 28 – right after the July 25 call where Trump tells Zelensky to speak to Giuliani, and right before Giuliani's trip to Spain to convince Zelensky's chief aide to open the Biden investigation – Giuliani made a trip to the White House.

I wonder what they talked about.

RIP Shokin (twice)

Why on earth is Lev Parnas meeting with Paul Manafort's attorney?

Parnas met with the "big guy" from 10am to 2:58pm on February 17th.

Is the "big guy" here Trump? Well, worth noting that those times roughly match up with when Trump was at his Palm Beach golf club that day.

So after Parnas's meeting with "big guy," Toensing wants to know if Lev was "successful re: Amb[assador]," and gets the response, "this week."

(The green messages are presumably from Parnas's phone, so I'm a bit confused about Toensing's messages – she seems to think it's Rudy?)

There have been hints all along that Israel is mixed up somehow in the Ukraine scheme, and here Parnas confirms it.

On Feb 8, 2019, Giuliani and Pompeo talked about firing Yovanovitch. Giuliani thought he'd gotten a commitment (from Trump?) that she'd be fired, though he didn't know "how absolute."

Interesting. Dowd was trying to sort out the inconsistencies between Giuliani and Parnas.

... this seems to suggest that Trump and Parnas had breakfast together on *September 26, 2019*?? The same day Trump finally released the whistleblower complaint.

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