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Jan 17, 2020, 6 tweets

🇹🇷 Secularist propaganda from Turkey (1930s) showing a celestial Atatürk above a series of events from recent Turkish history.

The first shows the Greco-Turkish War, when the two countries fought for territory in the wake of the First World War.

The second shows a man in modern clothing contemptuously kicking away a fez – a reference to Ataturk's early reforms to phase out religious clothing (note the hat)

The third shows a man taking a pickaxe to a tekke, a Sufi religious residence. These were largely abolished under Ataturk's secular reforms.

The fourth, showing a young man marching on with books under his arms, represents Ataturk's language reforms and adoption of the Latin script. The new Turkish alphabet's creator was a Turkish-Armenian linguist - Agop Dilâçar

The very last refers to the Turkish civil code, introduced in 1926, which introduced equality under law (and much else besides)…

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