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Appreciator of the fine things in life, and of Greenock Morton. #prostatecancerbore #menover50getyourselfchecked

Jan 18, 2020, 11 tweets

#LGBAllianceScotland Here in great venue for launch. Will try and tweet short videos of the best bits. @AllianceLGB

@AllianceLGB #LGBAllianceScotland
@AllianceLGB Simon Fanshawe on the need for a new organisation

@AllianceLGB #LGBAllianceScotland @AllianceLGB

Bev Jackson on the step backwards

@AllianceLGB #LGBAllianceScotland

The international perspective

@AllianceLGB #LGBAllianceScotland @AllianceLGB

On the Irish experience with tribute to @Glinner

@AllianceLGB @Glinner #LGBAllianceScotland

Kate Harris on the loss of Stonewall and the start of @AllianceLGB

@AllianceLGB @Glinner When the official versions of the speeches are put up, this is just such a powerful contribution.

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