— mei Profile picture
i would sell all of you to satan just to see sicheng smile • main: @yutajins

Jan 20, 2020, 110 tweets

#wangxian high school au where class valedictorian lan wangji is asigned to help problematic flirt wei wuxian with his studies and ends up falling for him in the process

some notes before i start:
- ignore the times on the tweets
- a lot of cursing
- i’m dumb but i’ll try not to screw up the thread
- i’ll try to update more than 4 times a week bc i have nothing to do anyways

— profiles pt 1
wangxian + wangji’s priv acc

— wwx’s friends pt 1

— wwx’s friends pt 2

— lwj’s friends pt 1

— lwj’s friends pt 2
(note that sizhui knows both lwj and wwx)

— this is a high school au so here are the grades:
1st graders: lsz, ljy, jl, wn
2nd graders: lwj, wwx, jc, jzx, mm, nhs
3rd graders: lzc, xxc, szc, jyl, wq

other characters might be added as the au progresses

i have to sleep so i’ll actually start it tomorrow but hope y’all enjoy it!

001 — start

002 — tutor

003 — jiang yanli is queen and you can’t say no to her

i’m @ school but i’ll update later today!!

004 — it’s really not that bad

005 — umbrella term

006 — first lesson

also I fucked up the time in 004 it’s actually an hour and a half I’m dumb wbk akdbskdn

007 — after the tutoring

008 — who’s gonna tell him?

009 — he’s dumb and gay wbk

010 — welp, there he goes

aight so i think i’m done for today. i’m normally really busy on mondays and tuesdays but i think i’ll be able even more updates than today on the rest of the week so hope y’all are liking the au so far and also hope y’all are looking forward to it

also tysm for the support it really makes me very happy and inspires me to go on and work harder on my aus🥺🥺🥺

anygays, hope y’all have a nice day or night stream wuji soty for clear skin

011 — a few hours earlier

012 — back to the present

i fucked up but no one saw that, moving on😌🤝

013 — one week later

014 — radicals

today was a really busy day for me so i’m so sorry i couldn’t update as much as yesterday :((( ill work harder tomorrow so i have time to post more updates. thank you sm for your support!!

015 — feelings

016 — they just... left???

017 — night market

018 — pls i love them🥺

019 — the real reason he started tutoring

020 — he cares abt him🥺

021 — lwj is the number 1 wwx supporter and that’s on periodt

022 — lwj is the only man ever wbk

023 — the next day

024 — i think all of us are tired tbh

025 — enter: jiao jiao

026 — the righteous hanguang jun is just hurting himself like always

027 — men are so dumb wbk

028 — he’s gotta walk his fish🚶🏻‍♂️

029 — xian xian is 3 years old :(((

030 — all hail queen yanli

031 — a week later

032 — sizhui is best boy

033 — wwx is worried

034 — emperor’s smile

035 —guilty

036 — sincerity

this was a big update so i hope y’all enjoyed it! thank you so much for the support, it really means a lot to me🥺

have a good day or night and stream wuji soty

037 — the next day

038 — who’s gonna tell him?

039 — lwj is precious wbk

040 — can they just date already?

041 — all tea, all shade

i made a typo but we’re gonna pretend that never happened a ha ha😴

042 — free real estate

043 — karma’s favourite bitch is wwx and that’s on periodt

that was a really small update but i’ve been sick so hope y’all enjoyed it. i’ll continue tomorrow morning if i start feeling better.

thank you sm for reading and supporting this au, it really means the world to me🥺 stream wuji, be gay and do crimes

044 — deserve!!

045 — ok boomer

046 — now he’s done it

047 — just send it already🗿

048 — ,,,clowns


050 — the big day

051 — ITS TIME

052 — he RICH rich

053 — omg ellen, you didn’t!

054 — just get married??? what are y’all waiting for???

055 —periodt

056 —they’re dating but they’re not even dating

057 — not a bad idea

058 — together

059 — at least he tried

060 — ... oh no

061 — everyone bow down to queen yanli

062 — yanli is a queen and deserves everything

063 — the day of the recording


065 — the day before the festival

066 — lit rally dating

that’s the update for today! the au is abt to finish so it might end by this week. as always, thank you so much for your support! it means the world to me!

here’s my cc so y’all can just give me love or just scream @ me to update (pls do. i need both ;-;)

also on 64, there’s a typo lmao it was supposed to be “he smiles like the idiot he is...”

067 — school festival day!

068 — power to the gays

069 — wuji soty today!

070 — behind the curtains

071 — i’m sure we can all relate with their reactions

071.5 — i recommend listening to one of these songs while reading 072:

- time to love by red velvet
- really like you by izone

that’s what i was listening to while writing it lmao (p.s. stream fiesta and psycho)

072 — confession

073 — crisis in the tl

074 — FINALLY!!!

075 — sizhui doing us all a favour

076 — next morning...

077 — good morning...?

078 — sizhui (attempts) to explain

079 — karma’s favourite

080 — omg that glow up

080.5 hi again! i really recommend listening to best of me by bts for this last part!

081 — later that year

082 — wangxian’s daily life

083 — they’re all thriving as they should!

084 — best of me

thank you so much for reading this au! it’s been very fun and i’m kinda sad that it’s ended. i have other ideas for aus so please expect them in the future!

also thank you so much for your support! it really means a lot to me and it inspires me to continue doing aus.

here’s my cc for if you wanna leave some support (which i really need lmao) curiouscat.me/zhancafe?t=158…

thank you for reading and supporting the valedictorian!

(p.s. yeah i just named it ‘the valedictorian’ lmao thank you for everything!)

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