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Western Correspondent for @FDRLST🏔️ Health and wellness newsletter below ⬇️

Jan 20, 2020, 14 tweets

Good morning from Richmond, where already a few hundred protesters have gathered around the capitol grounds for a gun rally this morning #RichmondVA

Thousands are expected to descend on the Virginia statehouse today to protest new gun laws making their way through the state legislature.

Gov. Northam has declared a state of emergency over fears that violence may break out from right-wing extremist groups expected to show up.

This attendee is protesting the barriers resurrected around the capitol building to prohibit weapons from being brought on statehouse grounds

Women selling t-shirts to protestors going inside the barriers surrounding the statehouse.

Some in line thought the ladies were being too nice in their description of Governor Northam.

Oh the irony of George Washington standing heroically over capitol grounds where firearms are banned

“Northam Out!” chants break out at the statehouse

Man reminding the crowd that Governor Northam wore blackface

Betsy Ross Flag spotted.

White Nationalist!

Lots more Northam blackface signs out here at the statehouse

Crowd still growing.

“I want gay married couples to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns,” reads one woman’s sign.

Black man coming down the street shouting, “racist white supremacist coming through!”

Still looking for the giant neo-Nazi rally that was supposed to take place.

The #WomensMarch2020 was Saturday, but as @politicalelle can tell you, these ladies wouldn’t have been welcome there

Michael Bloomberg not popular here

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