David Higdon Profile picture
Executive Vice President, Communications, @chiefs. Ex: @RiotGames @NASCAR @LPGA @ATPtour

Jan 21, 2020, 5 tweets

The next phase of our multi-faceted partnership with @LouisVuitton begins today as @TWNGhesquiere unveils the LV Prestige skin available soon to @LeagueOfLegends players around the globe. #LVxLoL

.@LouisVuitton & @riotgames integrated our brands starting with the Worlds 2019 Trophy Case. LV used 3D models, bold engineering, & cutting-edge tech alongside traditional leather components to create, across 900+ working hours 👇, a case inspired by the @LeagueOfLegends universe

Nicolas Ghesquière, Artistic Director of Women's collections, closely collaborated with six designers at @riotgames to design the skins. Among the challenges? Ensure the skins could be recognized by fans of both @LouisVuitton & @LeagueOfLegends, both in-game and out IRL👇

The design of the skins reflected Ghesquière’s signature style while befitting the lore of our two champions. The Qiyana LV Prestige Skin was available during Worlds, could be purchased or earned through gameplay, & was one of the highest-selling prestige skins of the 2019 season

The #LVxLoL partnership extends well beyond a traditional sport sponsorship:
@LeagueOfLegends-themed LV watches for the Worlds winners
✅Dressing both real & virtual #TrueDamage performers at the Worlds Opening Ceremony presented by @Mastercard
✅Capsule Collection
✅& More

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