The Lost Words for Cumbria Profile picture
2019-2023. That’ll do.

Jan 22, 2020, 6 tweets

Another foggy day, another fab walk...

Started with some #thelostwords as always - listened to Willow @lwspellsongs & saw Ivy & Fern, as I sat on a perfect memorial bench in Ambleside wondering if this hopelessly tiny map might work...

My OS map showed no paths round there...

Ten years on yet I’d never heard of, or been into Blue Hill Woods. They belong to us/the National Park. For now at least.
Being sold off by the looks of things.

Watched a woodpecker hide before testing its drum kits.
Found the ominous looking ‘observatory’ & some sneaky stiles.

Thought I’d heard a distant hunting horn (and a drone!?)...oh no, not again! But thankfully, the local fox-killers weren’t out today.

It was a farmer herding sheep by chanting ‘ho-ho-ho-ho’ and driving a tiny tractor.
Got almost all of them too, before the fog descended...

I was heading up Wansfell. It has three ‘summits’. As I arrived I heard a couple nicely arguing about it.
Of course, his wife was right. I tried to tell him too.
They’d not been for ages - since first date years ago.
Later I thought he’d maybe chosen the wrong summit to propose?

They didn’t ask about my conkers (part of the @keswickbootco challenge for @CumbriaDSSG ) so I headed on to the third (real) summit in the fog at Baystones, then down the waterfalls.
Found the ‘local’ bit of this sign oddly amusing.
Tried to buy a book. Settled for a super pie.

I’d had a brilliant day. Then saw Willow.
(Always look at local notices). A #thelostwords surprise!

@rachel_newton_ playing Ambleside 16/2!

Perfect calm to follow next Saturday’s ‘storm’...

See you there?
Alongside the “Grasmere lovers, Musicians, Politicians & Poets”...

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