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Indian. Heritage explorer. Traveller and occasional storyteller. Conversations about the Olive Green, Test Cricket and History.

Jan 23, 2020, 7 tweets

#Chanderifauna: Some yrs ago, on a cold Dec morning in #Chanderi - my fav heritage destination - I was woken by a persistent knocking on the window. It turned out to be this bird, shot through the frosted glass. Perhaps it was urging me to get up and begin exploring.

@MPTourism #Chanderifauna: Spotted this bird - a woodpecker I think - perched nr #Chanderi fort, lost in thought. Was black & white ever as striking as this?

@MPTourism #Chanderifauna: Butterflies aren't always perfect, some are frayed, like this one I spotted in the #Jain temple complex in Budhi Chanderi.

@MPTourism #Chanderifauna. Mirror Mirror on Two little sparrows having a good time admiring themselves.

@MPTourism #Chanderifauna: Nothing beats the colours of nature. Taken at Budhi Chanderi.

@MPTourism #Chanderifauna: Spotted this bird of prey on a wire. and it spotted me, turning its head nearly 150 degrees to look through its red eyes.

@MPTourism #Chanderifauna: Noticed an owl dozing in a tree inside a ruined palace complex in #Chanderi. Becoming alert at seeing a visitor, it gave me a malevolent glare.

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