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Jan 25, 2020, 12 tweets

Now on @MSNBC:

Lawyer for Lev Parnas talks with @Maddow about recording that he says is of President Trump ordering firing of Amb. Yovanovitch.

@maddow Parnas attorney asserts to @maddow that they were not the source of the new recording reported by ABC News today.…

.@Maddow says she has heard the recording that appears to capture President Trump ordering the termination of then-US Amb. to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

.@Maddow: "It does sound like President Trump saying those same words to a group of people, including Lev Parnas. We heard, 'get rid of her, get her out tomorrow.'"

@maddow .@maddow's live interview with Parnas' attorney continues now on @MSNBC.

@maddow Chuck Rosenberg is now questioning Parnas attorney Joseph Bondy.

@maddow NEW: @maddow says ABC News has just published the audio, and it will be played on @MSNBC momentarily.…

@maddow .@mayawiley is now questioning Parnas attorney Joseph Bondy.

LISTEN: MSNBC has heard portions of recording appearing to show President Trump order firing of Ukraine ambassador.

Recording appears to show conversation between Lev Parnas and President Trump speaking about Ukraine ambassador.

.@Maddow, Claire McCaskill and @mayawiley press Parnas' attorney about Parnas and others being heard on the recording lobbying President Trump to oust then-US Amb. to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch.

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