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Jan 27, 2020, 9 tweets

Sara Nelson on anticogulation around cardioversion #StoweEM20

multiple long and short term reason for clot formation, risk greatest in near term #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

risk of CVA occurs with spontaneous cardioversion, medical cardioversion, *or* DCCV. #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

classic teaching is 48hr window for elective cardioversion. #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

even if pts present in <48 hrs, patients may still have CVA within a month. #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

2019 guidelines: leave some gaps in recommendations. apixiban may start working in 2-4 hr #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

risk of bleeding from NOACs may be favorable vs warfarin. ORBIT score included NOACs so maybe more valid here. #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

which NOAC? apixiban may be easier to dose & less renal clearance #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

take-home messages on peri-DCCV anticoagulation #StoweEM20 by Dr. Sara Nelson

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