Brent Ward Profile picture
SFU Earth Sciences, Quaternary Geologist, Cordilleran Ice Sheet, purveyor of Natural Hazards, Long suffering Canucks fan, loves woolly mammoths (he, him, his)

Jan 27, 2020, 7 tweets

1/7 Alumni Event Jan 19th as part of the Earth Sciences 25 year anniversary. My pictures are mostly fuzzy, and such a good time was had by all, not many pictures were taken. I will post a few here. Thanks to SFU Alumni @SFUalumni for providing funding and some swag #SFU25Years!

@SFUalumni 2/7 Early Faculty/undergrad cohort. Ted Hickin, one of the founders, Robbie Donald, the first hire, James MacEachern and Derek Thorkelson, two of the first research hires, John Clague, Shrum Chair, Antigone D-W, first grad student. @SFUalumni @SFUEarthScience

3/7 Me giving an inspirational speech, OK, OK just kidding, I talked briefly about the early department and then gave out the door prizes. @SFUalumni @SFUEarthScience

4/7 Fuzzy movie from just after I gave out the door prizes. I think we were at peak attendance. @SFUalumni @SFUEarthScience

5/7 Robbie with Katie Dodd, and Karen Horne. @SFUalumni @SFUEarthScience

6/7 Katie Dodd, Karen Horne, Brett Gilley and Jeff P. @SFUalumni @SFUEarthScience

7/7 Random fuzzy crowd picture. Need a better camera! And name tags next time. Next alumni event is May 11 in Calgary associated with Geoconvention. We are having alumni speakers all this term:… @SFUalumni @SFUEarthScience

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