Liz O’Sullivan Profile picture
CEO, @AskVeraIO. Committee Member, NAIAC. Previously: cofounder @itsArthurAI & 1st technology director @StopSpyingNY. Tweets in my own capacity only.

Jan 28, 2020, 5 tweets

Explainability up next (!) at #FAT2020 with @JcMalgieri and @MargotKaminski paper on GDPR and impact assessments.

No public consensus on the Right to Explanation but lawyers wanted automated decision making to be justified based on fairness.

Data controllers must assess risks since GDPR states that higher risk cases require higher safeguards. Here are some examples of duties:

At least part of this process can be made public. Decisions should be explained but also the risk assessments themselves should be explained...

We must justify and not just explain the algorithms, this approach addresses the “transparency fallacy”.

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