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Jan 29, 2020, 21 tweets

Thread on Kobe Bryant, his death, and his connections to the occult

Theories are floating around regarding the circumstance of Kobe’s death. Astrology and gematria have been mentioned, but these theories are not robust. Predictive programming involving helicopter crashes was also mentioned, but this too is not very concrete.

It should first be established that Kobe was involved with the occult. Many have seen the one-eye symbolism with other celebrities and know where there is smoke, there is fire. Kobe was involved, and he was specifically involved with Saturn worship.

For those unfamiliar, there is a hexagon at the North Pole of Saturn. It has been tied to other theories such as black cube worship.

The first photo is a connection of a hexagram from its six angles forming the ‘cube’ appearance. The right is Kobe’s ‘Y’ logo. Note the Y figure breaks in the exact way the angles connect in the hexagon.

Here we have a symbol from a Nike as campaign with Kobe. When flipped and mirrored, it makes the shape of the inside of the cube’s angles.

Additionally, Kobe often used the other symbol in the above image, the ouroborous, depicting a serpent eating its own tail.

This one is more obvious. Saturn is associated with the number 8. Kobe was famous for using two numbers: 8 and 24. Note another use of the outoborous symbol with a reference to the number 8.

Kobe was known as the ‘Black Mamba’, which is a real type of dark snake. Snake are associated with Satan in the Bible, which is connected to Saturn.

The first section above also mentions a “winged one”. This may be a stretch, but in Greek mythology Chronos, who is Saturn in Roman mythology, is depicted with wings. Kobe was depicted with wings for the Zoom Kobe 2 ad campaign.

Side note: all of these images feel very sinister in nature, like they have an evil energy to them. They are mostly black with the exception of gold. This is likely a reference to alchemy, as the base material is lead, which is of course corresponds to Saturn.

Now that the connection between Kobe and Saturn has been established, how does this relate to Kobe’s death?

It’s difficult to say for certain, as there is no way of truly knowing what went down. That said, I believe Kobe was part of an occult order and was killed as a ritual sacrifice.

The Free-Masonic Order of the Golden Centurium was a mystical lodge founded in the 1800s. They were not directly related to Freemasonry, but required new members to have already been initiated to an existing magical order. They limited members to the powerful and influential.

For a new member to be initiated, an existing member had to be sacrificed. I won’t go into the specifics of this machine; the point is that if you were drawn, you had to die. There were no exceptions. If you tried to run, they would find you and kill you.

New initiates would be assigned a demon/entity and learn the required associated with it, with the hopes that in doing so they would gain more power and influence.

Considering his Saturn references, it’s likely that Kobe was invoking the power of Saturn, Satan, Baal, etc. to enrich himself and become influential. Many kids looked up to him and bought his merchandise throughout the 2000s.

In this video, Kobe instructs kids to build a “musecage” inside themselves. He states that these musecages are powered by two forces: light muses and dark muses. He suggests that dark muses are the most powerful, and can help them find their innear Beast.

If you’ve had any exposure to the occult, you can tell right away that this is advising black magic and the left hand path. He is quite literally doing the work of Satan and encouraging children to be Beast and not Man.

I can’t say for certain which order Kobe was part of, but there is too much evidence to suggest he was certainly involved with one. When you remember that his partner in crime is an open Freemason, it’s certainly plausible that he would be introduced to these individuals.

Thanks for reading. I expect more info to come out, and will update if anything big appears.

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