IVAN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 🌲🏎️💨🌲 Profile picture
Flâneur, Indiedev, @Stugan_-eer 👨‍🏭: #Podvarak & custom engine in #cpp ❤: #procgen+Physics+Vehicles+Space

Feb 4, 2020, 6 tweets

Adding some more SFRY retro vibes to #YugoTrip w @Stihilus

@Stihilus Repurposing some very old AI code, still working #YugoTrip

@Stihilus Added paths to freeway lanes #YugoTrip

@Stihilus Another nice creation by @Stihilus inspired by the iconic TAM-75 #YugoTrip

@Stihilus Drivers handling busy roads... 3/10 #YugoTrip

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